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Can Vitamin Deficiency Cause Vertical Ridges On Fingernails?


Ridges in your fingernails can be caused by many things, including stress and kidney or thyroid disease. Usually, ridges in your fingernails will not cause any harm.

Your fingernails could reveal a lot about your health. Horizontal or vertical ridges are a common sign of a change in your health. Find out why ridges appear in your fingernails and what they could mean.

Vitamin deficiency and vertical ridges on nails are often linked. But could it also be a health problem? Learn everything you need about vitamin deficiency and ridges in nails.

A vitamin deficiency could be seen as vertical ridges in the nails. These can be caused by vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin B deficiencies, as well as keratin deficiency.

Vertical nail ridges may be caused by hormonal changes, certain autoimmune disorders, or other medical conditions.

Make sure you can differentiate. This is how you can tell!

woman in white tank top holding mans hand

Vertical Ridges On Nails

Vertical ridges are furrows running from your tip to the cuticle. These furrows are also known as longitudinal striations or bands.

According to 2015 research, fingernails can develop slight vertical ridges as a result of slower cell turnover. This happens when the skin’s surface is damaged, and new cells are created.

Other symptoms, such as changes in the color or texture of your nails, may indicate a medical condition. According to 2016 research, trachyonychia can cause ridges that appear shiny or brittle.

Iron deficiency can also trigger vertical changes and ridges to your nails that make them concave- or spoon-shaped.

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Horizontal Ridges On Nails

According to 2018 research, deep horizontal ridges (also known as Beau’s lines) are often signs of serious conditions. These may stop nail growth until the underlying condition has been treated. Beau’s lines may indicate that you have acute kidney disease.

According to the 2015 research, Beau’s lines can develop on all 20 nails. This could indicate:

  • mumps
  • parathyroid condition
  • Unmanaged Diabetes
  • syphilis
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Long-term high fevers are caused by certain illnesses
  • zinc deficiency

Beau’s lines may also be caused by chemotherapy.

Red or brown spots can form under your nails from trauma. If you notice red, brown, or black color changes underneath your nails but have not experienced any nail trauma, it could be a sign of a more severe condition like endocarditis or melanomas.

person wearing pink gown

Is It Normal To Have Vertical Lines On Your Nails?

What causes vertical ridges in nails?

It is possible that the underlying cause of your symptoms may be different.

You could have a protein or mineral deficiency. You could have a vitamin A deficiency or zinc deficiency. You may also have a serious condition or hormonal imbalance. You should also check your iron levels as it could be caused by iron deficiency. The first step in determining what vitamin you are lacking is to identify it.

However, vertical ridges can be normal. For example, they can be considered normal signs of aging. You don’t have to worry about nail wrinkling if you aren’t in that category. Your nails age just like skin. You might want to look into it.

What Do Vertical Lines And Horizontal Lines Mean On Your Nails?

Nail trauma can cause horizontal lines to appear from one side to the other.

These can also occur when there are severe stresses on the body (fevers, infections, and illnesses). This causes a horizontal line.

From your cuticle to your nail tip, vertical ridges can be seen on nails. They can be caused by aging, dehydration of your nail plate, excessive water exposure, skin conditions, or lack of nutrition.

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How Can You Tell Your Vertical Ridges On Nails Mean A Vitamin Deficiency?

While vertical lines on nails are rare, they can indicate a more serious condition, such as a vitamin deficiency or systemic problem. This is how to tell if lines appear on your nails due to vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin A Deficiency Can Cause Vertical Ridges On Nails.

Vertical ridges and brittle nails can indicate a deficiency of vitamin A, calcium, or zinc.

Nail Ridges That Are Vertically Oriented Due To Vitamin B Deficiency

Vitamin B deficiency can manifest as a change in texture or deep longitudinal lines on the nails.

You may need to increase your vitamin B intake if your nails become weak, broken, or soft.

A Serious Health Problem Could Be Indicated By Vertical Lines On Your Nails.

What is the autoimmune disease that causes ridges in nails?

Is there an underlying condition that renders your nails weak and brittle?

These are some ways to help you get medical help.

  • Ridging and brittleness could be an indication of eczema or hypothyroidism.
  • Harsh chemicals can cause weak, brittle nails. These can also be signs of Vitamin B, fatty acid, calcium, and iron deficiency.
  • Rigging, peeling, and sagging can all be signs of iron deficiency or biotin deficiency.
  • Anemia or kidney disease may be indicated by vertical ridges that are not clearly pronounced.
  • Inflammation, white spots or vertical ridges, and white lines are all signs of zinc deficiency or fungal infection.
  • The vertical ridge may be caused by lichen Planus, an autoimmune condition that attacks nails or mucosal surfaces.
  • Vertical ridges can develop in certain skin conditions. Psoriasis is one example of such a condition. It is characterized by vertical ridges that are accompanied by discoloration and brittleness.
  • You may notice vertical ridges in your nails if you have peripheral vascular disease. This is due to the effect on blood vessels.
  • Nails can also be affected by liver disease or anemia. The most common signs are brittle nails and vertical lines.
  • Vertical ridges can be caused by fungal infections (aka onychomycosis). These ridges are often accompanied by changes in nail color or texture. They can cause nails to become yellowish, brittle, and crumbly.
  • Your nails can be affected by many other diseases, such as skin cancer. A vertical ridge with a brownish hue can indicate melanoma. The ridge can cause nails to split and can make the cuticle or the skin around it appear darker.

How To Care For Vertical Ridges On Your Nails

These life hacks and tips can be used to reduce or prevent nail ridges from appearing if you have ruled out any serious conditions.

You Must Ensure That Your Nails Are Properly Nourished.

Nutrient deficiencies can lead to poor nail health. Healthy eating habits and staying hydrated are key to nail health.

Moisturize The Nail Area To Heal Vertical Ridges!

To protect the keratin, moisturize the nails and prevent nail ridges from forming. The alpha hydroxy acids are great for sealing moisture and nourishing the nails. These acids are abundant in the Apple Cider Vinegar Foaming Hand Wash.

Keep Your Nails Clean!

Nail trauma is less likely to occur if your nails are shorter and neater. Over-trimming nails can also be a bad idea. Cut your nails only when you can see a white tip, but not so much that it is impossible to see the white.

Do Not Pick At Your Cuticles Or Bite Your Nails!

A good rule of thumb is to stop picking at your fingernails. This will prevent them from developing ridges. They will grow irregularly if you keep picking or biting your nails.

It can be helpful to leave your cuticle intact. The cuticle protects the nail matrix from infections and dirt. Picking or pushing the cuticle back can cause ridges in nails.

Limit Your Water Exposure To Prevent Eczema

A healthy diet is not enough to keep your nails strong. In every aspect of life, balance is important. Excessive exposure to water can cause nails and hands to lose their natural oils and emollients.

The nails will become dry and fragile. Eczema can lead to dry skin and brittle nails.

Select A Treatment That Will Strengthen Your Nails!

Topical nail hardening treatments can be beneficial for brittle nails that break, split, or develop ridges.

These solutions may be short-term effective. They can end up making your nails worse.

These treatments use formaldehyde. Natural methods may be more effective. Vegetal oils can help keep your nails strong and nourished and your cuticles sealed.

Essential oils can also be used to moisturize and maintain hand health. Essential oils that are effective for nail health include Rosemary, Rosemary, and Geranium.


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